Commercial Equestrian Web Sites
Want to buy or sell a horse, tack, or related items? Here is a listing of some websites for commercial tack shops and related businesses.
This is by no means a complete listing of all such sites on the web; there are far too many for me to list here. I just list the ones that I've had some pleasant personal contact with, or that I think look interesting for some reason. If you're looking for a more complete listing, use your favorite search engine, or look at one of the equestrian megasites listed on my Equestrian Resources page.
- Wise Choice Tack
- One of my favorites. Their web site seems to be unpredictable, and I don't think they have email access, but but MaryAnn and Dave Baseheart make up for their lack of cyber-presence with good old-fashioned friendly service. They even gave me this neat picture. If you're in the Lexington (Kentucky) area, and the link above doesn't work, just go see them at 1019 Georgetown Road, just outside New Circle (that's right, they moved), or give them a call at 859-224-8976. If you're not in town, call 'em toll-free at 800-848-1866, and they'll be glad to send you whatever you need. Tell 'em I sent ya!
- Bob Mickler's Lifestyle and Performance Riding Apparel
- A fancy website and friendly personal service. As the name suggests, they concentrate more on riding apparel than tack, although they do have some tack items. It's a great place to get yourself outfitted in a style to make your horse proud. Julie Mickler did an outstanding job of fitting me for my latest pair of Dehners (see below), and steered me past some minor glitches in the ordering process.
- Champagne Run Farm
- One of the Lexington area's premiere boarding/training/lesson/sales facilities. Whether you're interested in foxhunting, eventing, hunter/jumper, or even dressage, these folks do it all, as well as organizing and participating in many local events. And you won't find a nicer or more fun bunch of people anywhere. Give 'em a call and ask for Lee and Roy!!!
- Equine Fine Art
Featuring art by one of central Kentucky's premiere equine and sporting artists, Salina Ramsay, whose works have been featured in several equine publications and newspapers across the nation.
- Dehner Company, Custom Bootmakers.
- They make nice boots; I own a pair. Even if you're not in the market for a pair of custom boots, there's some interesting info here. And since the company is run by a bunch of foxhunters, you know it has to be good.
- International Foxhunt Emblem
You've probably seen the ubiquitous cap and mask logo adorning another foxhunter's vehicle or clothing. You may have wondered where to get your own. Now you can. Christian Hettinger, the creator of the International Foxhunt Emblem, has established a website where you can order clothing, license plates, etc. adorned with the popular logo. Although it doesn't show up well in this reduced image, that black blur in the lower right is a copyright notice; please do not copy or reproduce this image without permission from Christian Hettinger.
- The Horse Resource
- A tack shop in South Carolina run by some dedicated foxhunters, formerly including one of the nicest people I've never met, and a leader of the original Bad Girls. Whatever you need, there's a good chance that these fine friendly folks either have it or will be glad to find it for you
- Half Halt Press
- Books for horse people from the specialist equestrian publisher.
- Snowbound Acre Farm
- Looking for a good foxhunter? Or somebody to train the one you already have? Specializing in quality sport horses at reasonable prices, Snowbound Acre Farm in Warrenton, Va, offers horses for sale, consignment, and training.
- The Hay Net
- Didn't find what you were looking for here? The Hay Net has links to over 12,000 sites, listed in categories to make it easy to find what you need.
Open Directory
- Another huge directory of links related to equestrian shopping. The Open Directory "is the largest, most comprehensive human-edited directory of the Web. It is constructed and maintained by a vast, global community of volunteer editors."
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