1997 Rolex KY Cross-Country

Lighter than Air

Here are some pictures of the 1997 Rolex Kentucky cross-country competition. All photographs were taken by me . Some of the information about jumps is from the course description in the official program, written by course designer Michael Etherington-Smith. Any comments in quotations are verbatim from Etherington-Smith's description.

The pictures here are in the order that the jumps appeared on the course, not in the order I took them. For example, the first few pictures are actually the last riders of the day. The numbers in front of the jumps indicate the jump's position on the course.

I have tried to identify the horse and rider wherever possible. In some cases, I was positive. In others, I made a safe guess based on information such as horse color, sequence on course, visible fragments of numbers, etc. I don't think I've mis-identified anyone. When in doubt, I omitted the identification.

I'm sorry I didn't get pictures of every jump, but I got the good ones. I decided not to put thumbnail pictures on this page (except for the one above), because I'm lazy and because it makes the page take forever to load, especially if you have a slow modem. Click on the name of the jump to see the picture.

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