Michelle's Rolex Kentucky 1996 Awards
- Most Motivated Person: Tammy M.....but, I won't say why ;-))
- Nicest Rider I Met: Dorothy Trapp ....Ok...so she's the ONLY one I met....So?? :)
- Most Entertainin' Food People: The Cajun folks. And I quote, "Lor' we jest drove down ta Nwarlins
ta bring thisyer red fish ta ya fresh.....1039 [?] miles roun' trip....on a ridin' lawnmowa!" Oh! It was
worth the $8.00 just to listen to 'em givin' the people a hard time!!)
- Person With Most Restraint: Well, this one is a tie: Tina Shrader, for not buyin' the darn Lovett and
Rickets she was TOLD she could BUY, and Carole Nowicke, for not buyin' the unbelievably
reasonably priced Rembrandt.)
- Most Helpful: Gotta go to Leanna who actually looked at me with pity at the cookout and said,
"here, I'll hold the dog. You eat." The woman took the Bucket for a walk, bless her sweet heart!)
- Sweetest Child: Definitely does NOT go to the three little evils that sat in front of us at Stadium ;-))
(red shirt, grey shirt, and green shirt) Nope, it goes to Joyce's absolutely DARLIN' little girl (this
from someone who's not a "kid person") who kept tryin' to share EVERYTHING she was
eatin'/drinkin' with EVERYONE. (god love her...I actually took a piece of her dirty string cheese and
ate it...bless her sweet little heart....Matt ate a piece))
- Most Rude Spectator: Woman in Large Blue rain parka who would NOT move out of the way of our
car after bein' asked twice. "why don't you come out here in the rain with the rest of us?" Uh huh....)
- Best Personal Moment: Sittin' back in a hole in the wall that Good Ol' Days was callin' a room ;-))
and hearin', after givin' my pictures of Chance to someone, a squeal of "Oh! Yea!!! Chance!!!!
[whoever did that, you may as well know you almost had me weepin' over my food :) Thank you,
whoever you were] )
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